My foie gras cooking trials are over and it's time to enjoy the results.
My first recipe is from Emeril, Foie Gras Terrine, in which I used my own Vin Noix or green walnut wine instead of port. I served this terrine with cornichons, toast and onion marmalade and a glass of vin noix. Results--earthy, unctious and rich.
Another terrine involved the use of spices, and I turned again to my favorite blend, menues espices, which today is known as quatre-épices. Because of the richness of the spices, I served this terrine with a sweet white wine and plain toast--the flavor on the top of the tongue reminds me of the best smells in a deli.
During my discussions on foie gras several of my readers have offered tips for serving this delicious treat.
Jean-Luc Odeyer of Grenoble, France, "I prepare the green nut chutney, it is a delight! It is good with the raclette, the foie gras, the grills and the skewers, cheese, the cold meats and the charcuterie, on toasts…"
Don wrote "The pan juices and lemon are what truly makes foie gras with ham superb. Very delicious with a squeeze of lemon."
David Lebovitz recommends serving très bon Sauternes
One offered another recipe with ways to serve the terrine in a casual or more fancy manner.
and Pascal has a lovely picture of a simple foie gras presentation
Elsewhere on the net are sites for tasting, preparation and cooking.
Foie gras is a holiday food, a simple food. It lends itself to many styles of serving and eating. Whether you use some of my 18thC recipes or these modern ones, do enjoy your liver--it can be a harbinger of good things to come.
| Enjoy Foie Gras, Enjoy Life! Foie gras and other French delicacies from Mirepoix, USA |
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