[Johnson Bros Old Staffordshire Rosedawn pots]
When choosing 18thC accoutrements, consider what the liquid to be poured is before choosing your pots. Cream or chocolat chaud would make a mess to clean and remove if left to congeal in long spouts, hence we usually choose sparrow-billed pouring spouts as seen in Liotard's Still Life: Tea Set, 1782, in which we see a long spouted teapot as well as a covered sparrow-billed cream jug.

Multi-use covered sparrow-billed pouring pots are found in both faïence blanche and brun. The removal of the cover allows the use of a molenillo or moulinet to stir chocolat, the use of the cover helps to keep the contents hot.

[Details from Liotard, blanche, and Chardin, brun.]
Current offerings on ebay.

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That's fascinating! It's such common sense when you think about it, but it hadn't occurred to me before. (Maybe because I'm lazy and mostly just use teabags!)
Do you know if there's a reason teapots tend to have long, arched spouts? Is there a functional reason behind it, or is it just for looks?
The reason for the long spout is so the level of the liquid is above the base of the spout to help retain the heat. Also you are pouring from the middle of the liquid so you don't get as many "floaties" (tea or herb leaves) in your cup.
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